Index of Nodes
This index provides additional information on all the nodes used in this primer, as well as other components you might find useful. This is just an introduction to some of the 500 nodes available in Dynamo.
Color.ByARGB Construct a color by alpha, red, green, and blue components.
Color Range Get a color from a color gradient between a start color and an end color.
Color.Brightness Gets the brightness value for this color.
Color.Components Lists the components for the color in the order: alpha, red, green, blue.
Color.Saturation Gets the saturation value for this color
Color.Hue Gets the hue value for this color.
Color.Alpha Find the alpha component of a color, 0 to 255.
Color.Blue Find the blue component of a color, 0 to 255.
Color.Green Find the green component of a color, 0 to 255.
Color.Red Find the red component of a color, 0 to 255.
GeometryColor.ByGeometryColor Displays geometry using a color.
View.Watch Visualize the output of node.
View.Watch 3D Shows a dynamic preview of geometry.
Boolean Selection between a true and false.
Code Block Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly.
Directory Path Allows you to select a directory on the system to get its path
File Path Allows you to select a file on the system to get its filename
Integer Slider A slider that produces integer values.
Number Creates a number.
Number Slider A slider that produces numeric values.
String Creates a string.
Object.IsNull Determines if the given object is null.
List.Create Makes a new list out of the given inputs.
List.Combine Applies a combinator to each element in two sequences
Number Range Creates a sequence of numbers in the specified range
Number Sequence Creates a sequence of numbers.
List.Chop Chop a list into a set of lists each containing the given amount of items.
List.Count Returns the number of items stored in the given list.
List.Flatten Flattens a nested list of lists by a certain amount.
List.FilterByBoolMask Filters a sequence by looking up corresponding indices in a separate list of booleans.
List.GetItemAtIndex Gets an item from the given list that's located at the specified index.
List.Map Applies a function over all elements of a list, generating a new list from the results
List.Reverse Creates a new list containing the items of the given list but in reverse order
List.ReplaceItemAtIndex Replace an item from the given list that's located at the specified index
List.ShiftIndices Shifts indices in the list to the right by the given amount
List.TakeEveryNthItem Fetches items from the given list at indices that are multiples of the given value, after the given offset.
List.Transpose Swaps rows and columns in a list of lists. If there are some rows that are shorter than others, null values are inserted as place holders in the resultant array such that it is always rectangular
If Conditional statement. Checks the boolean value of the test input. If the test input is true, the result outputs the true input, otherwise the result outputs the false input.
Math.Cos Fines the cosine of an angle.
Math.DegreesToRadians Converts an angle in degrees to an angle in radians.
Math.Pow Raises a number to the specified power.
Math.RadiansToDegrees Converts an angle in radians to an angle in degrees.
Math.RemapRange Adjusts the range of a list of numbers while preserving the distribution ratio.
Math.Sin Finds the sine of an angle.
Map Maps a value into an input range
String.Concat Concatenates multiple strings into a single string.
String.Contains Determines if the given string contains the given substring.
String.Join Concatenates multiple strings into a single string, inserting the given separator between each joined string.
String.Split Divides a single string into a list of strings, with divisions determined by the given separator strings.
String.ToNumber Converts a string to an integer or a double.
Circle.ByCenterPointRadius Creates a Circle with input center Point and radius in the world XY plane, with world Z as normal.
Circle.ByPlaneRadius Create a Circle centered at the input Plane origin (root), lying in the input Plane, with given radius.
CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at input Point, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y axes
CoordinateSystem.ByCylindricalCoordinates Creates a CoordinateSystem at the specified cylindrical coordinate parameters with respect to the specified coordinate system
Cuboid.ByLengths Create a Cuboid centered at WCS origin, with width, length, and height.
Cuboid.ByLengths (origin)
Create a Cuboid centered at input Point, with specified width, length, and height.
Cuboid.ByLengths (coordinateSystem)
Create a Cuboid centered at WCS origin, with width, length, and height.
Create a Cuboid spanning from low Point to high Point.
Return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. **
Return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. **
Return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. **
Get the Bounding Box as a solid Cuboid
**In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it is impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform.
Curve.Extrude (distance) Extrudes a Curve in the normal Vector direction.
Curve.PointAtParameter Get a Point on the Curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter().
Geometry Modifiers
Geometry.DistanceTo Obtain the distance from this Geometry to another.
Geometry.Explode Separates compound or non-separated elements into their component parts
Geometry.ImportFromSAT List of imported geometries
Geometry.Rotate (basePlane) Rotates an object around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree.
Geometry.Translate Translates any geometry type by the given distance in the given direction.
Line.ByBestFitThroughPoints Creates a Line best approximating a scatter plot of Points.
Line.ByStartPointDirectionLength Create a straight Line starting at Point, extending in Vector direction by specified length.
Line.ByStartPointEndPoint Creates a straight Line between two input Points.
Line.ByTangency Create a Line tangent to the input Curve, positioned at the parameter Point of the input Curve.
Line.Direction The direction of the Curve.
NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points.
NurbsCurve.ByPoints Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points
NurbsSurface.ByControlPoints Create a NurbsSurface by using explicit control Points with specified U and V degrees.
NurbsSurface.ByPoints Creates a NurbsSurface with specified interpolated points and U and V degrees. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points.
Plane.ByOriginNormal Create a Plane centered at root Point, with input normal Vector.
Plane.XY Creates a plane in the world XY
Point.ByCartesianCoordinates Form a Point in the given coordinate system with 3 cartesian coordinates
Point.ByCoordinates (2d) Form a Point in the XY plane given two 2 Cartesian coordinates. The Z component is 0.
Point.ByCoordinates (3d) Form a Point given 3 Cartesian coordinates.
Point.Origin Get the Origin point (0,0,0)
Point.Add Add a vector to a point. The same as Translate (Vector).
Point.X Get the X component of a point
Point.Y Get the Y component of a point
Point.Z Get the Z component of a point
Polycurve.ByPoints Make PolyCurve from sequence of lines connecting points. For closed curve last point should be in the same location as the start point.
Rectangle.ByWidthLength (Plane) Create a Rectangle centered at input Plane root, with input width (Plane X axis length) and (Plane Y axis length).
Sphere.ByCenterPointRadius Create a Solid Sphere centered at the input Point, with given radius.
Surface.ByLoft Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Curves
Surface.ByPatch Create a Surface by filling in the interior of a closed boundary defined by input Curves.
Surface.Offset Offset Surface in direction of Surface normal by specified distance
Surface.PointAtParameter Return the Point at a specified U and V parameters.
Surface.Thicken Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals on both sides of the Surface.
UV.ByCoordinates Create a UV from two doubles.
Vector.ByCoordinates Form a Vector by 3 Euclidean coordinates
Vector.XAxis Gets the canonical X axis Vector (1,0,0)
Vector.YAxis Gets the canonical Y axis Vector (0,1,0)
Vector.ZAxis Gets the canonical Z axis Vector (0,0,1)
Vector.Normalized Get the normalized version of a vector
CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at input Point, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y axes
CoordinateSystem.ByCylindricalCoordinates Creates a CoordinateSystem at the specified cylindrical coordinate parameters with respect to the specified coordinate system
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modular Division finds the remainder of the first input after dividing by the second input
< Less Than
> Greater Than
== Equality tests for equality between two values.
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