// create a point at x = 1, y = 2, z = 3
p = Point.ByCoordinates(1, 2, 3);
// translate the point 10 units in the x direction,
// -20 in y, and 50 in z
// p2’s new position is x = 11, y = -18, z = 53
p2 = p.Translate(10, -20, 50);
在 Dynamo 中,雖然可以在物件名稱的結尾附加 .Translate 方法平移所有物件,但是還有更複雜的轉換需要將物件從一個基本的 CoordinateSystem 轉換到新的 CoordinateSystem。例如,若要讓物件繞 x 軸旋轉 45 度,我們要使用 .Transform 方法,將物件從其既有無旋轉的 CoordinateSystem,轉換到一個已經繞 x 軸旋轉 45 度的 CoordinateSystem:
cube = Cuboid.ByLengths(CoordinateSystem.Identity(),
10, 10, 10);
new_cs = CoordinateSystem.Identity();
new_cs2 = new_cs.Rotate(Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0),
Vector.ByCoordinates(1,0,0.5), 25);
// get the existing coordinate system of the cube
old_cs = CoordinateSystem.Identity();
cube2 = cube.Transform(old_cs, new_cs2);